River Erosion & SpaceX
Yesterday I went to this place called Alexander. It’s in a way to the furthest of South Asia – the land ends there and the great river Meghna starts – making her way to the Bay of Bengal. There I with my friends witnessed just how deadly river erosion can be. There is no certainty […]
জীবনানন্দ দাশের কবিতা : অবশেষে
এখানে প্রশান্ত মনে খেলা করে উঁচু উঁচু গাছ।সবুজ পাতার ‘ পরে যখন নেমেছে এসে দুপুরের সূর্যের আঁচনদীতে স্মরণ করে একবার পৃথিবীর সকালবেলাকে।আবার বিকলে হলে অতিকায় হরিণের মতো শান্ত থাকেএই সব গাছগুলো, -যেন কোনো দূর থেকে অস্পষ্ট বাতাসবাঘের ঘ্রাণের মোত হৃদয়ে জাগায়ে যায় ত্রাস;চেয়ে দেখ- ইহাদের পরস্পর নীলিম বিন্যাসনড়ে উঠে ত্রস্ততায়, – আধো নীল আকাশের বুকেহরিণের […]
Software Version Control : Semantic Versioning
Very interesting and well explained, the Semantic Versioning specification is authored by Tom Preston-Werner, inventor of Gravatars and cofounder of GitHub. He beautifully explains here – http://semver.org/ In short, given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the: MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes, MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and […]
Dressed For Men.
At the other end of Bangladesh it would take one second to realize the extent to how radically you would dress. But this is surely the maximum.It depends on the person who wears the dress. So why at the same place huge discrepancy between men and women clothing? People dressed as they would please; and […]
Response to Dhaka Attack
I’d refrain myself from posting about “sensitive” things like Religion and Politics. But silence is not always good. At times like this I can’t help sharing my opinion. My heart goes out to all the victims of Dhaka Attack and their families. There is no word to express how I feel about the great loss […]
State of Bangladesh Outsourcing Industry
The economic downturn that has gripped the world since middle of 2008 resulted in a large number of people working online and thus making a career. Bangladesh as an ICT market is no exception to this situation. We are observing a definite popularity of outsourcing in our country, employing nearly 100000 people over the years. […]
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