I was stuck waiting long for an unoccupied rickshaw to come.Have to be thankful though,i would not be there to take this shot if one had come.Very interesting procedure to fish i must say,cause i hardly have a clue how that guy could see fishes through muddy water and managed to get at least one tiny fish with every strike of the thin stick he was holding.As far as i can assume,this muddy pond is used as a source of financial resource for them.Once in a while they come back to look for new ones to sell in the village market.It`s also possible that they just feed on them.
In the blazing sun,this woman carrying her sleepy boy took a stop to watch them fishing with a curiosity that confused me,and as minutes turned into half an hour i could tell that she forgot about her destination and the kid forgot more than that.They were down there with them,may be fishing in their minds-something to pour to the hungry heart.
You certainly have an eye for photography. Beautiful captures and your style speaks for itself. Thankyou!
thank you for appreciating my work.i will try to come up with more stories 🙂